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EUR: Swine flu spreading at 'unbelievable' rate: WHO chief

Sun Aug 30 03:47:43 EST 2009
Sat Aug 29 17:47:43 UTC 2009

World Health Organisation Director General MARGARET CHAN says swine flu spreads four times faster than other viruses .. and 40 per cent of the fatalities are young adults in good health.

CHAN says 60 per cent of the deaths occur in those who have underlying health problems.

She says almost two-thousand-200 people around the world have died from the virus since it was uncovered in April.

In Australia .. the latest health department figures out on Friday say 150 people have died while having the swine flu .. which is now officially being referred to as .. Pandemic H-One-N-One 2009.

About 34-thousand-500 cases have been confirmed in Australia.