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UK: British paper pleads with Aussies not to go home

26 Nov 2008 1:00 AM

A leading British newspaper has pleaded with Australians living in the UK not to head home amid concerns a looming recession and plummeting pound are fueling an exodus.

The Times has praised the cultural contribution of famous Australians who have made Britain home .. including BARRY HUMPHRIES .. CLIVE JAMES and GERMAINE GREER as well as the generations of Antipodeans who have flocked to the old country.

In an editorial overnight .. the RUPERT MURDOCH-owned daily voiced alarm at new figures showing record numbers of Antipodeans are leaving Britain and its economic gloom for better job opportunities back home.

According to the paper .. government figures show an average of 2,700 Australians are leaving the UK each month .. up from 1,750 a month in 2005.