NSW: NSW city mourns 'fine' soldier killed in Afghanistan
By Andrew Drummond and Richard Lawson28 Nov 2008 5:28 PM
SYDNEY, Nov 28 AAP - The Australian soldier killed in an Afghanistan explosion was a man of "integrity and determination", say those who knew him.
The NSW community of Armidale is mourning Lieutenant Michael Fussell, 25, who was killed by an improvised explosive device on Thursday.
Lt Fussell was a member of the Sydney-based 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and was conducting a dismounted patrol when he and his team were struck by the device.
Two other Special Operations Task Group personnel were slightly wounded in the explosion and have now returned to operational duties.
News of Lt Fussell's death spread quickly through Armidale on Friday.
The Armidale School principal Murray Guest said Lt Fussell, who was a student from 1994 to 2001, was a "very bright young man".
"He was a scholarship winner who performed very well right through his HSC in 2001 and was involved in a lot of other things as well.
"(He was) a great giver to the community and he was a cadet in his early years and then a surf lifesaver a little later on, and gave in lots of other forms as well - community service, paddling in the Hawkesbury canoe classic, playing sport.
"Perhaps most importantly, he was just a genuine and fine young man, full of integrity and determination to do his best at everything he did and someone who we've been very proud of.
"He would be the sort of young man to do whatever he could for the benefit of others, for his community, for his family, for his country."
He said Lt Fussell was an accomplished squash, rugby and polocross player and also competed in long distance paddling events on the Hawkesbury River.
After completing school he enlisted in the Australian Army in January 2002 and studied a Bachelor of Arts at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.
He served in East Timor in 2006 and 2007.
Lt Fussell is not married and had no children. His brother Daniel is an RAA lieutenant based in Brisbane.
Armidale Dumaresq Council deputy mayor Jim Maher extended his condolences to Lt Fussell's family.
"He's the first active serviceman who has been killed on duty from Armidale since the Vietnam War, so (it) will obviously hit home here in the city."
A funeral is expected to be held for Lt Fussell in Armidale on Thursday.