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VIC: Shooting victim's mum speaks out

14 Dec 2008 2:30 AM

The mother of a 15 year old boy .. who was shot and killed by police in Melbourne .. has pleaded for people to show restraint in commenting on the events leading up to his death.

TYLER CASSIDY was shot and killed by three officers in a Melbourne skate park on Thursday night after allegedly threatening them with knives.

SHARNI CASSIDY says her son was fragile and needed protection .. and not a violent person at all.

Ms CASSIDY's also revealed how she called the police 30 minutes before the shooting and gave a description of her son's appearance .. age .. and the direction he was heading in.

She told police he was clearly distressed and asked to be phoned when he was found safely.

TYLER is believed to have been upset over the anniversary of his father's death from cancer two years ago.