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Standing Wager
Merchant of gloom makes a bet

29 Nov 2008 2:30 AM

An academic who expects zero interest rates within two years and a 40 per cent drop in house prices has promised to walk from Canberra to the top of Australia's highest mountain if he's wrong.

University of Western Sydney associate professor of economics and finance STEVE KEEN made the bet with Macquarie Group interest rate strategist RORY ROBERTSON.


High Scores Longest Chase
Police chase stolen car 250km from Wagga to Canberra

20 Jan 2009 12:21 PM

CANBERRA, Jan 20 AAP - Police have arrested a 26-year-old man in Canberra following a 250km high-speed car chase that started in south-western NSW.

NSW police started pursuing the stolen car in Wagga Wagga on Tuesday morning and ACT Policing took up the chase when the driver crossed the border into the territory.


High Scores
Police dissappointed by young drivers

14 Dec 2008 4:28 PM

Police have arrested a man for driving at 237 kilometres-an-hour on Sydney's Hume Highway.

And .. they say they are extremely disappointed with instances of irresponsible driving by young and inexperienced motorists overnight.


High Scores Possible New Blow
Man blows six times legal limit

31 Dec 2008 2:16 PM

BRISBANE, Dec 31 AAP - Queensland police have caught a man with an alleged blood alcohol reading more than six times the legal limit.

A 28-year-old man from Peak Crossing was stopped overnight for a random breath test in the nearby town of Boonah, south-west of Brisbane, and allegedly blew .303 per cent.


High Scores
P-plate driver returned blood alcohol reading of 0.265

06 Dec 2008 8:18 AM

SYDNEY, Dec 6 AAP - A P-plate driver has returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.265 after allegedly flagging down a police car in northern NSW.

Police said a 26-year-old woman had her licence confiscated after she returned a high-range PCA reading near Tamworth about 8pm (AEDT) on Friday.


Porsche vs Bikes
Porsche and motorcycles in 224km/h road race

20 Dec 2008 4:24 PM

SYDNEY, Dec 20 AAP - The drivers of a Porsche and two motorcycles have had their vehicles confiscated after reaching speeds of more than 220km/h in an alleged road race.

Police say the three men were racing along a 100km/h zone of the Pacific Highway on the far north NSW coast on Saturday about 10.40am (AEST).


Turbo Rice vs RX7
Two drivers to stand trial over passenger death

15 Dec 2008 5:38 PM

MELBOURNE, Dec 15 AAP - Two young men accused of drag racing before a crash that killed a 15-year-old boy will stand trial.

Mitchell Cairnduff, of Wheelers Hill, died when a turbo-charged Mitsubishi Lancer driven by Jarrod Rooke hit a taxi at 120km/h, the Melbourne Magistrates Court heard.


High Scores Oldest Hoon
I'm a skilled driver, says 78yo hoon

By Michelle Draper 06 Jan 2009 5:31 PM

MELBOURNE, Jan 6 AAP - A 78-year-old hoon caught speeding at 170km/h on a narrow country road on New Year's Day told police he was a skilled race driver.

Victorian Premier John Brumby, however, was not impressed with John Belfield's claims, labelling Australia's oldest hoon driver an "idiot", while police said he was toying with death.i


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Feature Story Australia 'may escape' recession

SYDNEY, Feb 23 AAP - Australia may escape a recession in 2009, although analysts say a sluggish housing sector and possible downgrades to state government credit ratings could affect confidence in the economy.

The world's premier economies of the US, Japan and Germany are already in recession, along with at least 11 other industrialised countries.

Feature Story Stimulus package projects to be fast tracked in NSW

SYDNEY, Feb 18 AAP - Infrastructure built in NSW from federal government's $42 billion stimulus package will bypass the usual planning and local government approval.

Instead, Premier Nathan Rees says the projects, including public housing and schools, will be approved by the newly appointed Infrastructure Coordinator General.

Feature Story Stimulus package clears parliament - now for the hard part

CANBERRA, Feb 13 AAP - The Rudd government cleared a final hurdle to get its $42 billion economic injection through parliament but the International Monetary Fund says the key now is to implement its stimulus plan.

Following a fortnight of parliamentary wrangling, the government can now begin spending its $42 billion package of cash handouts and infrastructure investment after securing the passage of legislation through the Senate.

Feature Story New stimulus package passes house, goes to senate

CANBERRA, Feb 12 AAP - The Rudd government will have a second crack at getting its $42 billion economic stimulus package through the Senate on Friday after a new version passed the lower house late on Thursday night.

The amended package, introduced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, will see cash handouts to low and middle-income earners and single-income families cut by $50, a concession won by the Australian Greens.

Feature Story Ninety-three dead as fires continue to rage across Victoria

MELBOURNE, Feb 9 AAP - Ninety-three people are confirmed dead in Australia's deadliest bushfires that have scorched Victoria, with fears the death toll may rise sharply.

There was little rest for many firefighters overnight, with 25 bushfires still raging out of control at 3.30am (AEDT) on Monday.

Feature Story Rudd tells Turnbull to get out of the way

CANBERRA, Feb 6 AAP - Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has told Malcolm Turnbull to "get out of the road" and stop holding up the government's $42 billion stimulus package.

The government increased pressure on the coalition on Friday as it prepared to work out a deal with crossbench Senators to get the nation building and jobs plan through the Upper House next week.

Feature Story Govt unveils $42 billion buffer against world recession

CANBERRA, Feb 3 AAP - The federal government has unveiled a massive $42 billion nation building and employment plan aimed at retaining 90,000 jobs over the next two years and insulating Australia against the worst of the global economic recession.

Billed as a "rapid response" to the deteriorating global economic conditions, the centrepiece of the 72-page plan is $28.8 billion of spending on schools, housing, energy efficiency in homes, community infrastructure and roads, and support to small business to be delivered mostly in 2009-10 and 2010-11.


Feature Story More grim economic news as political battle heats up

CANBERRA, Feb 2 AAP - The suspicion that Australia's economic outlook is far worse than publicly acknowledged became a reality with a sickening thud on Monday.

Back in November, the Mid-Year-Economic and Fiscal Outlook revealed a $40 billion hole in government revenue over the next four years but the surplus was still intact as a straitened $5.4 billion.

Feature Story Southeast under strain as heatwave takes its toll

MELBOURNE, Jan 30 AAP - As far as heatwaves go, the sweltering conditions in south-eastern Australia this week are remarkable.

Tens of thousands of people were left without power, train tracks buckled and the Australian Open tennis tournament came under attack for putting players at risk.

Feature Story Another big rate cut on the way as inflation pressures ease

CANBERRA, Jan 28 AAP - Rapidly moderating inflation pressures have opened the gate for another substantial interest rate cut when the Reserve Bank of Australia holds its first board meeting of the year next Tuesday.

Financial markets are pricing in the risk of a further 100 basis point cut in the central bank's official cash rate as consumer prices posted their biggest quarterly drop in more than a decade.

Feature Story Fires contained but extreme weather looms

MELBOURNE, Jan 23 AAP - A cool change has helped firefighters contain fires that had been burning out of control in central and eastern Victoria.

But the entire state faces the most severe fire threat of the summer over the next few days due to a combination of scorching temperatures and high winds.

Feature Story Get ready for sharpest economic deceleration ever seen

CANBERRA, Jan 19 AAP - A leading economic forecaster has warned its clients to batten down the hatches for the sharpest deceleration Australia's economy has ever experienced.

But Australia is in a better position than almost any other rich nation heading into recession, Access Economics says.

All House Harris News Articles are individually selected by The Editor
Main Feature Story
More job cuts as govt and opposition brawl over stimulus

By Kate Hannon, National Political Editor 26 Feb 2009 7:02 PM

CANBERRA, Feb 26 AAP - The federal government has been accused of creating panic after a senior minister said no one's job is safe.

There was more bad news on Thursday with commercial property manager Lend Lease announcing it would cut 340 jobs in Australia, a day after Pacific Brands said it would axe 1,850 positions.

The opposition and the government accused each other of talking down the economy as they brawled over whether the economic stimulus packages were working to stem the tide of job losses or creating new ones.

Former Woolworths chief executive Roger Corbett called on the opposition, which tried to block the $42 billion stimulus package in the Senate, to stop trying to stifle the government's attempts to stimulate the economy.

Asked in a radio interview whether anyone's job was safe, Industry Minister Kim Carr replied: "I wouldn't say anyone's job is safe, even your's."

Senator Carr later told a Senate estimates committee he had chosen his words poorly.

Continued .....

Regularly Updated News As It Arrives From The Editor
House Harris News

NSW: Six guns go missing from rural property
SYDNEY, Feb 27 AAP - Police are working to locate six guns that were stolen from a property in the NSW Upper Hunter Valley.

Fed: First Costello, now ghost of Howard haunts Rudd, Turnbull
CANBERRA, Feb 27 AAP - Something odd happened in federal politics this week.

Vic: Police boss hands in her badge
After nearly eight years tackling corruption and crime Victoria's police boss .. CHRISTINE NIXON .. has handed in her police badge on Friday at a tea party.

National accounts likely to show economy still growing - just
SYDNEY, Feb 27 AAP - By the end of next week we will know whether the standard definition of recession had already been met last year.

PAC: NZ man jailed for child porn, cruel neglect of daughter
CHRISTCHURCH, Feb 27 NZPA - A 55-year-old New Zealand man pleaded guilty in Christchurch District Court on Friday to 12 charges of possessing objectionable images, and was found guilty of cruelty by neglecting his daughter.

Qld: Hanson's online fan base has the Twitters
PAULINE HANSON's lagging behind in the popularity stakes .. when it comes to Twittering.

Qld: Best job a big disappointment for some
Tourism Queensland has come under fire from angry hopefuls who missed the deadline for what could be the best job in the world.

NSW: Buttrose nephew arrested after drug raid
The nephew of media personality ITA BUTTROSE has been arrested .. after a raid on a Sydney apartment allegedly netted millions of dollars worth of cash and cocaine.

NSW: Man on firearms charges afetr raid allegedly nets guns
SYDNEY, Feb 27 AAP - Handguns, drugs and cash have been seized in a raid on a home in south-west Sydney, police say.

NSW: 100 kids struck down with infection, link to pools examined
SYDNEY, Feb 27 AAP - Up to 19 swimming pools have been investigated after 200 people - half of them children under five - contracted a parasitic infection, NSW Health says.

Fed: RAAF moves to advanced electronic warfare capability
WILLIAMTOWN, NSW, Feb 27 AAP - Twelve of 24 Boeing Super Hornets on order for the RAAF are to be rewired so they can be readily upgraded to give Australia a very advanced electronic warfare capability.

Greens to move against greedy CEO packages
CANBERRA, Feb 27 AAP - Labor should follow US President Barack Obama's example and act against the greediest chief executive pay deals, Greens leader Bob Brown says.

SA: Police shoot gunman dead after death of woman in dispute
ADELAIDE, Feb 27 AAP - Police have shot dead a gunman after a woman was killed during a domestic dispute in the South Australian Riverland.

Vic: State faces worst fire day since hellfire
MELBOURNE, Feb 27 AAP - Victorian fire authorities are preparing for a "grim" day of high temperatures, hot winds and a cool, dry change with lightning that could spread existing bushfires and spark new ones.

FED: South Africa and Aust agrees to work on telescope
CANBERRA, Feb 26 AAP - South Africa has agreed to work closely with Australia on a massive radio telescope proposed for Western Australia.

Vic: Three arrested over alleged drugs lab
MELBOURNE, Feb 26 AAP - Police are questioning three men over the discovery of an alleged clandestine drug laboratory in Melbourne's inner southeast.

NSW: Nine Network and staff face charges over hitman story
The Nine Network .. a high-profile reporter and a producer have been charged for a controversial hidden-camera report in which the journalist posed as an alleged hitman's accomplice.

Fed: More job cuts as govt and opposition brawl over stimulus
CANBERRA, Feb 26 AAP - The federal government has been accused of creating panic after a senior minister said no one's job is safe.

Highest grossing Australian films at the local box office
Top 10 highest grossing Australian films at the local box office:

Vic: Kill plot motivated by revenge: court
MELBOURNE, Feb 26 AAP - A Melbourne woman plotted to kill her stepfather in revenge for sexually abusing her daughter, a court has been told.

NSW: Man arrested in Qld after Sydney man's murder
SYDNEY, Feb 26 AAP - A man has been arrested in north Queensland over the death of a Sydney father-of-two found brutally bashed in his own bathroom.

NT: Kids brave croc-infested billabong to get to school
DARWIN, Feb 26 AAP - The Northern Territory government is investigating claims children from a remote Aboriginal community must walk through a crocodile-infested billabong to get to school.

NT: Man police dragged to the ground was sick and asthmatic
DARWIN, Feb 25 AAP - Four Northern Territory police were told by the family of the Aboriginal man they were holding on the ground that he was sick and suffered from asthma, a coronial inquest has heard.

Average wages grow but pay packets to slow in 2009 - economists
SYDNEY, Feb 26 AAP - Wages continue to rise strongly but employees should expect slower growth in their pay as the economy turns down, economists say.

Qld: Sex party seeks to bed down members
Politics in Queensland has been described in many ways .. but rarely as sexy.

Data shows resilient economy, but job loses haunt govt
New data suggests the government's first stimulus package sparked some life into our economy at the end of last year .. when other major economies were slowing massively in the global recession.

FED: Broadband process a farce: Minchin
There's mounting speculation the tender process for the national broadband network is on the verge of collapse.

NSW: Rental availability jumps in outer Sydney
SYDNEY, Feb 26 AAP - The number of rental properties available in outer Sydney has jumped to levels not seen in 18 months while vacancy rates in inner suburbs dropped or remain unchanged.

EUR: 9 dead 50 hurt as Turkish plane crashes in Amsterdam
Nine people are dead and more than 50 injured .. after a Turkish Airlines plane slammed into a field on Wednesday while attempting to land at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport.

US: Seven wounded by gunfire on Mardi Gras parade route
NEW ORLEANS, Feb 25 AP - The shootings of seven people, including a toddler, marred Mardi Gras partying in New Orleans as gunfire sent revellers ducking for cover and brought the final stream of truck floats to a halt.

WA:Man says he would not have survived another day in the desert
PERTH, Feb 25 AAP - A partially-disabled man who walked for three days in the West Australian desert with his adult son says he would not have lasted another day if he had not been found by another family member.

NSW: Sailors ditched by sinking boat run over by rescue ship
SYDNEY, Feb 25 AAP - Two sailors survived a fatal boat capsize and seven hours in high seas only to be "creamed" by the ship sent to their rescue, a Sydney court has been told.

US: Satellite mission to monitor carbon dioxide fails: NASA
WASHINGTON, Feb 24 AFP - A US satellite to monitor global carbon dioxide emissions failed to reach orbit early Tuesday and crashed into the ocean near Antarctica, officials said at a NASA press conference.

US: NASA global warming satellite lands in ocean
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, California, Feb 24 AP - A rocket carrying a NASA global warming satellite has landed in the ocean near Antarctica after an early morning launch failure.

US: Murdoch sorry for NY Post cartoon seen as racist
NEW YORK, Feb 24 AP - New York Post Chairman Rupert Murdoch has apologised for a cartoon that critics said likened a violent chimpanzee shot dead by police to US President Barack Obama.

Vic: Firefighters dig in as heat, wind loom late in the week
Firefighters are battling to contain seven bushfires still out of control in Victoria ahead of predicted heat and strong winds towards the end of the week.

US: Satellite mission to monitor carbon dioxide fails: NASA
WASHINGTON, Feb 24 AFP - The module carrying a US satellite to monitor global carbon dioxide emissions failed to separate from its rocket soon after it was launched early on Tuesday, NASA said.

NSW: Fear of assault is hurting Sydney's evening economy: Prof
SYDNEY, Feb 24 AAP - Sydney's night-time economy is suffering because many people fear they will fall victim to assault, a criminology and criminal justice expert says.

WA: Man questioned after officer set on fire
Detectives in Western Australia are questioning a man over an attack in which a policeman was set alight outside his station.

US: NASA launches satellite to monitor carbon dioxide
WASHINGTON, Feb 24 AFP - NASA announced early on Tuesday it had launched a rocket carrying a satellite to monitor global carbon dioxide emissions.

Qld: Dengue outbreak spreads to the north
BRISBANE, Feb 24 AAP - North Queensland's dengue fever epidemic has spread north to the small Aboriginal community of Injinoo.

Qld: Hanson in yet another tilt to revive political career
BRISBANE, Feb 24 AAP - Pauline Hanson, one of the most divisive figures in Australia's modern political history, will have yet another crack at reviving her political career.

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